Teaching With Balls

Teaching With Balls

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Solid, Liquid, Gas

Essential Question: How does water Change Form?

Students used their balls to represent the molecules in a solid, liquid, and gas!






My Balls Have Finally Arrived!

As teachers we all know that there is always that one kid in your class--the one that keeps you on your toes, drives you crazy, makes you want to pull out your hair, makes you question why you became a teacher, and ultimately steals your heart.

For the past few years I have had several of these...in ONE class.  I started doing some research on students struggling with "attention troubles."  I stumbled across the idea to use exercise balls.  Of course, because it was the most outside the box idea, I just had to try it.  I started by buying one ball for the student I felt needed it most.  However, I realized that having a ball just for him seemed to intensify his behavior.  He embraced the idea that he was different more than ever and his behavior did the opposite of improve.

After some reflection, I decided to blame the ball not working on the fact that he was the only one using one.  So, I decided it must be done.  I must have a class set of exercise balls for my students.  I wrote a grant using donorschoose.org, and WALLL-LAAA, I have 26 exercise balls thanks to some VERY generous donors. 

I've found many articles about teachers using exercise but few blogs from the teachers themselves.  With this blog, I'm hoping to find other teachers who use balls in order to swap lesson plan ideas. 

With all that said, My journey of teaching with balls (which I always assume all teachers must have) has officially begun!